Friday, November 5, 2010

Sketchpad: A Man Machine Graphical Communication System (1963)

- Ivan Sutherland

- Innovative in that he rethought the idea of the screen as a new, more interactive medium as opposed to simple and inferior replacement for paper.

-Sort of a precursor to modern Wacom-pad style interfaces

- Introduced "rubber-band" lines and circle tools that are used in most computer drawing/design/image editing programs

- the first "direct manipulation" interface. No lines of programming in order to actually use program. Laid foundation for object oriented programming and GUIs

- Ability to reuse objects in a sort of library-esque way that modern computer programs allow. Able to save file and reuse previous constructions from personal library.

- If previously created object is altered, alteration shows up in files that said object is used in

- Influential to Alan Kay, creator of object-oriented programming language Smalltalk and Dynabook.

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